In the event of a crisis: we invite you to please look after yourself.
For emergencies, proceed to the nearest Emergency Room (ER) or contact your General Practitioner (GP).
Reach out for immediate support by calling:
Mental Health Crisis Line (24/7) at 1300 651 251
Lifeline Australia (24/7) at 13 11 14
Beyond Blue for Mental Health Support at 1300 22 4636.
Please note: While we are unable to provide crisis support, we eagerly anticipate assisting you during scheduled sessions.
For life-threatening situations, dial 000 or visit the nearest Emergency Department.
Schedule an appointment with your GP for ongoing care.
Explore our resources below:
1. Mental Health Australia - Link
2. Blue Knot, Empowering Recovery from Complex Trauma- Link
3. The Women’s, Sexual assault response - Link
4. Accessing Mental Health Services - Link
5. Alcohol and Drug Foundation - Link
6. Access free and immediate support for mental illness - Link
3. Best Overall - Link
4. Best for Anxiety - Link
5. Best for Time Constraints - Link
6. Best for Humor - Link
7. Best for Emotional Trauma - Link
8. Best for Complex Topics - Link
How to calm your nervous system
1. Take a moment to ground yourself with our guided breathing technique video - Link
2. Daily Guided Energising Breath work Practice - Link
Music for your nervous system:
1. Music for nervous system - Link
2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Simple Guided Calming Exercise for Beginners | Hands-On Meditation - Link
3. Grounding Like a Tree: Mindfulness Practice - Link
Instagram accounts we follow:
1. I Go to Therapy - Link
4. Nawal Mustafa - Link
5. Panic & Anxiety Management - Link
6. Lets Talk Mental Health - Link
7. Headspace - Link